Thursday, July 26, 2007

We'll give this a try...

I am going to attempt to join the world of blogging. I am very busy these days, so updates could be a bit sporadic. I do hope however that I will be able to update friends and family on our crazy lives and our wonderful growing boy! I know I have loved keeping up with friends this way and hope this will be enjoyable for others. So here we go...

One random note (pun intended) for today is that we have a church bell tower across the street from our little house on Broadway. It's hymns are a part of our lives everyday - two songs played three times throughout the day. Charming isn't it? Or so it would seem... Right now we are at the noon portion of the daily program. I regret to inform you that it seems something has gone TERRIBLY wrong with the tuning today. This is a problem from time to time, but today it is excruciating! What is normally a nice detail of our neighborhood is proving to be a painful downside at the moment - and one that is making working from home a little difficult. I never knew how long two songs could be... Hopefully the emergency bell crew will be contacted before 5:00 pm today!


Granny & PaPa said...

Hurray for BLOGS!!!! We are so excited to be able to get updates on your sweet family!! What a great things BLOGS are. We look forward to hearing details of your adventures.......this besll one is a great start! We love you so......

THE GTEAM said...

I second that hurray for blogs! First of all, where did that great picture come from with the whole fam in shades? Love it. Can't wait for the daily blog postings you intend to do...OK, I'll take whatever I can get...